Common Cartridges

Our Common Cartridges are IMS GLC validated and conformance tested.

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Product analysis exercises CC1

We are pleased to announce that we have achieved IMS Common Cartridge conformance with our Product analysis exercises cartridge. IMS Global Consortium conformant Common Cartridges are specifically designed to work with all Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs).
View our list of IMS Global Learning Consortium conformant Common Cartridges

Cartridge Description

The cartridge consists of a detailed description of product analysis and value analysis plus there are four product analysis exercises. The product analysis exercises are:

  1. The "Angel of the North" sculpture
  2. "Spring Bounce About" designs by Wicksteed Leisure Ltd
  3. A paper punch
  4. Pencil sharpeners.

Each product analysis consists of a Flash photo gallery with form fields that may be filled in using a computer, then printed for a professional looking product analysis. A screen shot of part of the "Angel of the North" sculpture analysis is shown below.

Product Analysis: Angel of The North sculpture

The structured questions guide students through the product analysis exercises and helps them develop the competence to analysis other products.


To order the Plastics Module IMS Common Cartridge for a UK school,
click here: UK schools order form.

To order the Plastics Module IMS Common Cartridge for a non-UK school and to pay by credit card or PayPal, click here: credit card payments